The Umsted performance evaluations were supposed to be routed through Commandant Kinney who was in charge of conduct. Commandant Kinney initially sent a conflicting affidavit to the Bureau for Correction of Naval Records (BCNR) stating that I had an outstanding record as a midshipman contradicting the fraudulent performance evaluations he supposedly had previously approved. The BCNR, reporting to SecNav Dalton (class of 64), rewrote Kinney’s affidavit to remove all reference to an outstanding record – which the courts refused to address.
Navy Brats Dyer and Kobylk submitted coordinated handwritten testimony supporting the Academy’s records. The Code of Federal Regulation requires written testimony to be in affidavit form. They refused and the BCNR refused in writing to comply with the law. Can’t understand why. Might have been that the statements had no relationship to reality.
Navy Brat Kobylk did call me to explain that I was supposed to cover for Dyer when he went AWOL clarifying the issue that it was revenge for reporting Dyer AWOL. In short, we had a schizophrenic honor system with one set of rules for the administration and another set of rules for the Bad Boys of the Academy. I got caught in between and the Supt made a decision to protect the son of a classmate and several other Navy Brats apparently concerned that if I was responsible for reporting Dyer absent when he went AWOL, I would be a disaster in an honor committee presentation as a former honor committee chairman.